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That Mini Life

Seeking to reduce your dependence on the things in life can be hard, and we’re here to help. 

Does Minimalist Living Make You Single?

The question: Does minimalist living make you single? Many of us think that minimalism means singledom. However, in fact, it has a lot of benefits. It can help you save money for a down payment on a house, free up time for family and friends, and even help you live a...

How to Plan a Minimalist Living Room

If you're interested in creating a minimalist living room, there are some essential tips to keep in mind. Minimalism can come in many forms. Some rooms are monochromatic while others are filled with geometric, hard-edged lines. It's a style often influenced by the...

How to Decorate Your Living Room in Minimalist Style

Minimalism and contemporary design are two styles that go hand in hand. To keep your room looking minimalist, you'll want to keep permanent furniture to a minimum. To achieve this look, choose compact furniture that is easy to move around. You can also choose stylish...

How to Decorate a Minimalist Living Room

Minimalist decorating doesn't have to mean hiding everything away. You can add meaningful accessories and place them on floating shelves or built-in bookcases. Jae Joo Designs created this living room with a black background and lighter wood accents to emphasize the...

How to Go Minimalist

To know how to go minimalist, you should first evaluate your lifestyle and possessions. Being a minimalist means learning to be content with what you have. It also involves being more mindful about your purchases. Instead of acquiring something that you don't need,...

Tips on How to Create a Minimalist Living Room

If you are looking for tips on how to create a minimalist living room, consider using a white or neutral color for the walls. A few accent walls will add visual interest. Try painting one wall a different color than the rest of the room. Although bold colors aren't...

How to Start Living Minimalist

When it comes to spending, the key to minimalism is knowing how to prioritize your time. If you're tempted to buy a new pair of shoes, for instance, make sure you can do without them for a few days. Instead, invest in an exercise bike or walk long distances, which...

How to Start Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

One of the most popular methods for learning how to start living a minimalist lifestyle is to create a capsule wardrobe. This simple practice provides immediate and long-term benefits. By wearing only a limited amount of clothes, you will save time and money in the...

How to Decorate For a Minimalist Boho Living Room

If you want to make your living room look like a tropical escape, you can incorporate boho decor with the right design choices. Boho design can be incorporated into a modern minimalist home, too. You can bring a tropical vibe into your living room with palm print...

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