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That Mini Life

Seeking to reduce your dependence on the things in life can be hard, and we’re here to help. 

Living Like a Minimalist

The literature on minimalism often has very stressful advice. Some authors recommend packing up everything, decluttering, and only unpacking when you really need it. Others advise focusing on what truly sparks joy and letting go of tchotchkes. One way to live more...

Does Living a Minimalist Lifestyle Make For a Happier Life?

Do you believe that minimalism makes us happier? Then, read on. In this article, we'll discuss why minimalism is a great lifestyle to adopt. In addition to the obvious benefits of less clutter and fewer things, minimalism also helps us to live more mindfully, as there...

Reasons Why You Should Practice Minimalist Living

The reasons why you should try to practice minimalist living are many. A simple and clean home, a life filled with less clutter and a less stressful lifestyle are all reasons for living the minimalist lifestyle. You can achieve this goal by eliminating excess...

Living Like a Minimalist

What is a minimalist lifestyle? A minimalist lifestyle is about living with less and consciously choosing what matters. Our society places value on owning more stuff. We are constantly driven to own bigger and better. We can't stop ourselves from looking for newer and...

What Does Minimalist Living Look Like?

What does minimalist living look like? If you are considering living a minimalist lifestyle, there are some tips to follow to achieve a minimalist home. In order to keep clutter to a minimum, you should purchase less items than you actually need. To keep clutter to a...

Living a Minimalist Lifestyle – What is it All About?

If you are considering a minimalist lifestyle, you are probably wondering what is it all about. In this article, we'll discuss the definition of minimalism and what it means for your life. The basic premise of minimalism is to have less, and to be content with that....

What Is Minimalist Living?

What is minimalist living? Simply put, it's a lifestyle where you have fewer possessions but enjoy greater satisfaction with them. It can save you money, increase your focus and productivity, and improve your overall life satisfaction. But before you start...

How to Declutter Minimalist Living – Tips to Help You Get Started

Learning how to declutter minimalist living requires a commitment to a minimalist lifestyle, but there are some simple tips you can use to get started. Whether you're overwhelmed with finances or frustrated with a cluttered living room, minimalism can lead to a more...

Does Minimalist Living Mean You Will Be Single?

Does minimalist living mean you will be single? The answer depends on how you define the term. In some cases, living a minimalist lifestyle is associated with a lack of material possessions and a lack of attachments. In other cases, living a minimalist lifestyle can...

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