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How to Warm Up Minimalist Modern Living Spaces

You can add a personal touch to a minimalist modern living room by using accessories. These items can range from photos of your family and loved ones to interesting paintings. You could also add a tapestry with a nature theme. This can give the space a cozy feel. You...

How to Start Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

One of the best ways to start living a minimalist lifestyle is to limit your spending. Using a budget will help you avoid impulse purchases, be more intentional with your purchases, and accumulate more money. Budgeting doesn’t have to be difficult, and it can...

What Is a Minimalist Living Room?

A minimalist living room is one that is devoid of clutter and has minimal furniture. While you can still add some accent pieces to the room, keep them to a minimum. For example, instead of using several small pieces of furniture, consider purchasing one large piece of...

Tips For Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

One of the most basic tips for minimalism is to focus on experiences instead of things. This may sound like an easy concept to follow, but it is not so easy to put into practice. In order to begin living a more minimalist lifestyle, you need to take note of the items...

Living Like a Minimalist

Living like a minimalist doesn’t mean giving up the things you love or need. Instead, it means buying only what you need, and focusing on what’s important. This way, you won’t waste your resources and can focus on more important things. The other key...