In order to practice the minimalist lifestyle, one must make a commitment to decluttering. In the kitchen, this usually involves donating old and unused ingredients or purchasing new ones that are no longer needed. Using plastic containers to store dry goods or glass jars with labels is a good way to keep clutter to a minimum. Discard old, mismatched containers or ones that don’t have lids.
De-cluttering the home can help you achieve greater peace of mind. A feeling of lightness is a strong underlying principle of minimalist living. Besides simply reducing physical clutter, this philosophy also encourages you to eliminate the mental clutter, such as endless to-do lists and perfectionism. You can also address stress and work through toxic relationships. There are plenty of ways to de-clutter, so start small.
A notebook is an excellent choice to record your goals for de-cluttering. Pick a notebook that is both sturdy and durable, so that it won’t slide around and get lost amongst all your clutter. Once you have a notebook in your home, write down your goals every day and keep track of your progress. It will help you stay motivated and accountable to keep de-cluttering. It can also be fun to engage the family in the process.
If you have a vision of your minimalist life, defining your goals will help you stay on track. It will also help you remember what you want from the experience. Minimalist living can be very appealing to some people, but it is not for everyone. Decide what it means to you and follow your vision. A plan will make the process much easier and help you prioritize the things you need to get rid of. With a clear picture of what you want, you will be on your way.
Most American households live from paycheck to paycheck, and nearly half of us carry credit card debt. Minimalist living can help you establish savings and prepare for emergencies. Less debt means more money for passions and a happier life. However, it’s important to remember that the KonMari method requires a lot of preparation before it will work for you. It might take a few months to complete, but the result will be well worth it.
Minimalist living may seem easier than the opposite. After all, it’s hard to maintain such a clean home. Since you’re constantly living in it, there’s bound to be dirt, dust and other things that accumulate over time. To keep it clean, practice a regular cleaning routine and figure out which spaces need more attention: daily, weekly, and seasonal. And most importantly, resist the temptation to purchase more.
Storage boxes are an excellent way to declutter. Storage boxes come in all shapes and sizes and can be made of any material. Choose ones that complement your decor and keep things hidden. Labels can help group like items together and make them easier to find. If you use wicker baskets, consider handwritten labels to add a modern touch to your storage. For visual organization, color-coding is a great option.